The main idea of the project is:
- to provide a competitive medium for satellite resource operators, owners and potential clients
- to provide a reliable reference for pricing and probably even budgeting processes within the market of satellite resources
- to decrease for both clients and operators the expenses on dedicated marketing personnel
- to provide comprehensive market analytics (as a main source of potential monetization)
Текущее состояние
- Demo stand is ready 80-85% (using basic calculation model)
- Demo stand demonstrates execution of some basic use cases
Unfortunately, there are no clients as well as operators (two main app roles) as long as the platform has not a wide target audience
The market has global scale and can be estimated at several hundreds of billinos $ in total. But initially we would like to consider African market as the most developing and having lower entrance barriers.
The market is to the most extent new, specific from region to region and not well established. It has almost no recognized global institutions of regulatory role.
Проблема или Возможность
- no reliable reference when negotiating a contract (difficult to say whether this price is high or low)
- extra costs to have specific personnel to facilitate operator and client search
- available single entry point to search for corresponding communication channel for clients
Решение (Продукт или Услуга)
- by processing and publishing the available market price offers and orders the platform, naturally, performs an arbitrage deriving some certain market clearing price
- by providing the single entry point for both operators and clients the platform provides medium for b2b direct contacts without need to have some specific personnel being responsible for such contacts
- provided that client is not able physically to use telecomminucation services other that satellite resource there's no need to browse the whole internet searching for local operators - they are all in the same place!
Currently there are no analogous trading platforms dealing with satellite resources.
One of the main reason is that it should have both complex computations and classifications in order to equalize the market lot.
Преимущества или дифференциаторы
This product is rather unique and it's hard to specify certain differentiators.
Among the advantages there can be noted that:
- this is an opportunity of canalization of finanical contacts via the single entry point
- this is an opportunity to accumulate significant amount of data which could be a potential source of analytical computations, thus, increasing the level of market awareness for both Clients and Operators, making their businesses more transparent.
Our main profit source could be subscriptions
Basic for operators - 3000-5000$ per monthly subscription
Basic for clients - 250-500$ per monthly subscription
Additional enhanced subscriptions may be offered for the following features:
- market analytics (sales volume dynamics, requests spatial distribution, deals spatial distribution, etc)
In brief the business model is as follows:
- Operator (Satellite resource owner) acquires subscription, provides his satellite coverage areas in a specific format with parameters, visits the platform and places pricing offers having selected certain satellite resource
- Client acquires subscription, visits the platform and having specified the telecommunication resource parameters required he is presented with available opportunities.
Client has two options:
- Immediately agree with the Operator's price and amount (Operator gets notified and the deals continues to be processed)
- Specify the price which is more suitable for him (The client order goes to market where certain Operators can pick it up and agree upon the conditions)
Целевое назначение инвестиций
- Hiring a team of 1 backend, 1 front-end developers, 1 tester, 1 UX designer
- Architectural consultations from lead-level developers
- Backlog development (Trello backlog)
- Presentation of platform on most important satellite telecommunication conferences (like Singapore, Paris, Johannesburg)
- Creation of branding design for advertising purposes and further using during conferences.
There can be noted the following risks:
- Barriers from companies intermediary agents which are mainly to be replaced by the given platform.
- Issues with correct jurisdiction due to potential threats from state istitutions
2 оценки
Startup.Network прекращает свою работу в Российской Федерации и Беларуси.
В сложившейся ситуации компания не видит возможности продолжать работу в стране-агрессоре, которая угрожает сегодня как Украине, так и всему миру.
Санкционная политика международной платформы означает:
Остановку сайта и Стартапы из РФ и Беларуси больше не смогут размещать свои заявки на поиск инвестиций на нашей платформе.
Остановку проведение Unicorn Pitches Russia. Это значит, что мы больше не будем проводить Unicorn.Events на территории России и допускать стартапы, которые физически находятся на территории РФ, к нашему всемирному конкурсу. Также в жюри не смогут участвовать VC, которые находятся на территории РФ или не выступают против вторжения России на Украину.
Остановку приема денег из Российской Федерации в наш Синдикатный Фонд.