51 National Startup Battle, Minsk

51 National Startup Battle, Minsk

Дата: 16.07.2016 - 16.07.2016  | 17:00
Место проведения: Minsk, Imaguru: Business Club/Startup Hub, 4 Fabritius St.
Ссылка на регистрацию: http://btl.startup.network/e717#startups

On July 16, Minsk will host the National Startup Battle. btl.startup.network/minsk

Hurry up to apply for participation as Startup btl.startup.network/e717#startups !

Startup Battle is a leading event for entrepreneurs, which brings together initiators of breakthrough projects, experienced business representatives, venture capital fund managers, and investors.

The event is held with the aim of helping young entrepreneurs to evaluate the status and investment attractiveness of their projects, and maybe even getting the first investments from ‘angels’.

Date and time of the Startup Battle: July 16, 5:00 p.m.

Venue: Imaguru: Business Club/Startup Hub, 4 Fabritius St., Minsk

Organizers: Startup.Network and Imaguru: Business Club/Startup Hub

The participation in the Startup Battle opens up a number of opportunities to entrepreneurs such as:

● meeting and presenting their projects to the world leading incumbents of the venture investment market;

● receiving valuable advice and comments and learning expert opinion on their business ideas;

● finding potential customers or business partners, and maybe even the first investor;

● gaining new knowledge and skills, as well as project presentation experience.

The National Startup Battle in Minsk will be held in two stages:

From 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. – Entrepreneurs’ Block:

Successful entrepreneurs will share their experience and lessons learned with their young colleagues, discuss the latest trends in the investment world and give valuable pieces of advice on business building.

From 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. – Investors Block; Presentations by Startups:

Pre-selected projects will be presented in the presence of the expert board. 6 minutes will be given for a startup’s presentation: the first 3 of them will be given directly for the initiator’s speech, the other 3 of them will be given for questions and comments by the experts.

The winners will be 2 projects with the highest number of points according to the experts’ online voting and the guests’ online voting.

If you are interested in the Startup Battle and want to be part of this major event and find investments for development of your project, then hurry up to Register as Startup btl.startup.network/e717#startups, fill in your Profile btl.startup.network/?anketa - Company Name, Logo, About, and Presentation. Here is an example of Presentation btl.startup.network/e711

And wait for results of the competitive selection. Our experts will review the materials submitted by you and choose the best candidates.

Only 10 teams will be able to take part in the Startup Battle and present their projects ABSOLUTELY FOR FREE! 

Registration for going to the National Startup Battle in Minsk is compulsory! Participating as a guest is free!

If you are interested in our project and would like to become a Partner, please Register as a Partner btl.startup.network/e717#partners, fill in your Profile btl.startup.network/?anketa, and we will e-mail you.

If you are interested in our project and would like to become an Expert, please Register as a Expert btl.startup.network/e717#experts, fill in your Profile btl.startup.network/?anketa, and we will e-mail you.

See you at the epic National Startup Battle in Minsk!
Here is registration prntscr.com/bpgcxg

Дата публикации: 01.07.2016


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